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Darn my Scanner - Im going to get a new one next year...Anyways the background is actually brown but you can't really tell. You know this page took me forever to do--- I made it three different times. The idea for this page actually came from that Cadillac commercial with Kate walsh.

The photo was taken prolly about 2 years ago from a friend during a lovely summer day while at a happy hour at my favorite drink spot - Hotel Vital near the ferry bldg. *sigh* I miss those days. haha being pregnant is no fun. lol.


These are a few of my favorite things

Laughing with my girls
Italian Shoes
Driving with my T-top down on my car
Shopping in Union Square
Manicures and Pedicures
Sunbathing on a beach in Thailand
Music by Hope
Massages esp. on my feet
A hot shower after a long day
Chocolate covered gummy bears
