It's SBC Fest Week!
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Give a Cheer
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This is a layout of my darling husband. he was away on business this week and I really missed him so I was inpired to do a layout about him...

Journaling reads...(it's on the tag by the way)
"This photo was taken on our honey momm. I was in love with you then, but over the past 2.5 years i have come to know you as a husband, a provider, a lover and a dad. My life would be incomplete without you. I am proud you are (tunr tag over and in large large large words with dodles around it) my man. I love you more each day.

Products used
Basic Grey Oh baby boy
bazzil organge and yellow cs library pocket
dark blue cs die cuts with a view
mm brads, eyelet words, book plate, photo turn, staples and ribbon
prima flower
heidi swap small yellow florals

thanks for looking
