This is a layout of my first daughter taking a bath in the sink. She loved doing this.
On page 1, I wrote the poem, "Water Baby" just for this layout -- "You’re my little water baby, getting clean from head to toe.
You’re my little water baby; how you love the bath, I know.
You’re my little water baby; splashing and smiling at me.
You’re my little water baby; the bath makes you so happy!" Underneath that poem is my journaling, "Alaya, from the time you were a newborn, you were my little water baby. You loved the warmth of the bath, the softness of the washcloth, and, as silly as it sounds, the wetness of the water. People used to think I was cruel pouring water over your head to rinse you. However, as daddy captures in this priceless photograph, you actually loved the water spilling down your face. I love you, water baby! Love, Mommy"
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