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This is a layout of my son when he was just a few weeks old sharing a very cute moment with his father. Although it looks like this photograph was staged, they were really both asleep in such similar positions. As a scrapbooker, I could not resist snapping the photos.

Underneath the top card folder is the poem, “I am your dad” – “When I heard the news of you, I did the things that most Daddies do. I opened up my heart so wide, For you to have a place inside. I tried to imagine the person you'd be, would you look or act like me? I thought of the things we would do, The times we'd share, just us two. I would hold your hand in mine, be your protector, strong yet kind. I would be your hero and friend,
give advice on which you'd depend. I remember the day you were born, I cradled a miracle, small and warm. What words I had were scarce and few, A tear was the best that I could do. Life gave me a moment so rare, Bursting with pride, love and care.
I promised you then all that I had, See you are my child, I am your Dad.”
At the bottom of the same card folder is the beginning of the journaling, “Jaxon, Despite the fact that you really are a complete mama’s boy, you have shared some tender moments with your daddy. Snuggled on the couch together, you and your daddy were the perfect pair. How your daddy wishes these moments could last forever….”
The journaling finishes under the bottom card folder, “I just know, as you grow older, you will learn so much from your daddy. He will dearly miss these tender moments when you were so tiny and fragile and so badly needed his protection. Love, Mommy”
Also in this card folder is a poem I wrote just for this layout entitled Father and Son – “Father and son, together they sleep. Father and son, from them, not a peep. Snuggled so close, worn out from all the fun. What a perfect pair, this father and son.”
