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The man pictured here means an awful lot to me and it has been a long time coming in honoring him with a scrapbook layout. Father's Day seemed the perfect excuse and so here it is. Thank you for looking!

Journaling Reads:
I wasn’t supposed to love you; I didn’t even want to like you. You weren’t my daddy but yet there you were. You made Mom happy and my dad angry. With them divorcing, you would become a permanent fixture at my house and by mom’s side. You were a big mean man that just wanted to take Mom away from Brandon and I. My life would never be the same as it was before you came into it. Little did I know all that meant at the age of 4. I pushed and pushed, Brandon pushed too and you would back off, and then when we needed it most, you would be there with a hug and an “I love you”. You still weren’t Dad though, and I put you (and Mom) through hell for it. I needed someone I could lean on, someone that would laugh at my silly jokes, someone that would tuck me in at night, and let me have Mom to myself when I needed her. I didn’t realize at the time how much you were that person. I have fond memories of after school motorcycle rides to KFC for lunch and the time you showed me our new lab puppy in the bathtub. I also remember you making me help Mom cook and do chores and disciplining me when I messed up at school. The times you put me on the front of an ATV and let me drive, the time you stood outside the Disneyland ride with me and waited for the others to come out. The times you told me to stop being mean to my boyfriends (and even my husband when we married), the day you helped us move to Idaho and didn’t charge us hardly any gas money, the time you picked us up at 11pm at a truck stop on our way home. The time when you let Dad take credit for an awesome 13th birthday party that you and mom paid for (and planned!). The time you taught me how to build a fire, the times you stood up for me (even if it was behind closed doors) when mom and I were arguing and of course all the times you made me challenge myself in life when I had no desire to. How can I be angry with you? I’m 23 now, Dad still doesn’t love Mom and believe me, I’m okay with that! What I needed from my dad was acknowledgement, love, support, forgiveness, sympathy, discipline, affection, and friendship. I may not call you my dad, but I sure do call you my papa and only you and I know what term is better. Many young adults refer to you as Papa, which is how you are known around campsites and your home life. I see girls hug you and smile because you are a big teddy bear and they love it, and I wish I had loved it sooner than I did. There’s a quote that says ‘the best thing a man can do for his children is to love their mother’. You have, you do, and you love us both too -completely unconditionally. I couldn’t ask for more.

Products Used:
Bazzill CS/Blossom/Brad
KI Memories PP
Basic Grey Sticker Letters/Chipboard
Making Memories Brads
Ranger Ink
DCVW Rub-on Stitching
Font: Lucida Bright

Thanks again for looking!! Heather V.
