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After a long scrapbooking hiatus, just trying to update my gallery. Thank you for looking. Journaling: Just for fun, here are a few little things that make you smile, and sometimes even laugh out loud, at the age of just turned 2: Pretty much anything Connor does or says! What can I say, you love to be amused by your big brother. Me, too!Tickles from Daddy. I can almost hear that little belly laugh just thinking about it!Your cousin Erik. Actually, the two of you even make me lol! (Hoo-ya!)Hearing the ice cream truck from down the street! If I have some extra $$, that is. Sliding down any slide, at any park! Wheee!You love water! Whether its the bathtub, the sprinkler, your sandbox pool or the lake, you have the time of your life when you are getting wet!I love this photo, Lily girl! I was trying to take some pictures of you at the park and you thought it was soooo funny to run away every time I made an attempt to press the shutter on my camera. Well, silly girl, I ended up capturing one of my all time favorite photos on this day. Just you being you…laughing hysterically…chipped nail polish and all!
