Use Code: SMILE
Not your ordinary craft knife. This knife was designed by We R Makers to be in their new Comfort Craft Tools Collection features an ergonomic design that fits on a finger for less pressure when using. It is sure to help out anybody with arthritis in their hands and fingers.
I saw a card making video on YouTube and the designer was using this exact tool. When scrolling Scrapbook.com a bit ago, there it was.
I have pretty bad arthritis and am clunky with scizzors. I've been waiting for something like this.
When you use it you have a precision cut right where you need it.
Thank you Scrapbook.com for always having the right tools.
Exactly what I was looking for. Great control and precision
Just used this craft knife for the first time. So sorry I didn't have this earlier! I have far more control with this blade than those with longer bodies. The initial feel wearing this is different, but it's almost like using a pencil. The design is so good they include a blade carrier/blade safe combination to handle their blades. Highly recommend.
I love this blade. I first saw something similar being used by Posh Paper Lady, and I had to try it. My hands shake terribly so I avoid blade work when possible. Not anymore! I’ve actually been looking for excuses to use this! It’s so helpful and super easy to use.
If you have any issues with your hands or fingers this blade is the best! I want them to make the base available with interchangeable tips like brushes or pencils
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