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I have become addicted to stickles....love all the colors!
I will never use regular glitter glue again. Stickles are so easy to use and they stay where you put them. It seems like they have more glitter than glue and it looks great on any project.
This pack is so full of vibrant colors and tons of fun!! I recommend getting this pack if you love Stickles! You'll have all the colors at your fingertips!
Used in this project: My Stickles collection
So many beautiful Stickles, so little time! A color for every occasion and layout. Get off the fence and buy these if you are wondering if you should. =-)
Obsession is certainly a perfect name for this collection. I couldn't wait for them to arrive. Once they did I was just crazy about using them on everthing.
I just used these for the first time last night, and they are so wonderful to use! The glue goes on thick or thin, whichever you like. The colors are so true and vibrant. They do not glob or make a mess. They are so great just to add that extra bit of sparkle that you may need on your LO!
Used in this project: All Dressed Up
I found this to be a great bargain. You get all the basic colors at a very good price. I am looking forward to more color packages.
NOTHING mades your stuff come more alive than stickles...I love this set.
So many colors, I didn't know which one to start with! Great colors, good price, easy to use. I have trouble with my hands, (arthitis & nerve issues) and I have had no trouble applying stickles to my projects.
Every one that I have used has brought a bit of sparkle to all my projects. I liked all the colors and it gives a bit of a pop to all my projects.
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