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Incorporate mixed media creativity into your next project using the Art Basics Small Stencil Brush Set by Finnabair for Prima. Included in the package are 3 small stencil brushes that work with stencils, waxes and more.
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Incorporate mixed media creativity into your next project using the Art Basics Small Stencil Brush Set by Finnabair for Prima. Included in the package are 3 small stencil brushes that work with stencils, waxes and more.
The bristles are a little hard which I suppose is the point but personally, for stencils, I find using a palette knife to be far more effective and easier. These tend to make a but of a mess of things.
I love working with these I’ve never worked with brushes like this they work well especially when I’m using metallic waxes and easy to clean if I could I would give it a 10 star thank you shipment was fast
Can these be used to blend ink? Thanks
By: Robyn1807(20-Mar-18)Helpful Question? Yes | NoThank you!Report Inappropriate
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You can use it to blend ink! It will create a different effect than a smooth sponge, but it is fabulous for dabbing through stencils, into corners of a project, etc.
By: Prima Marketing Inc(21-Mar-18)Helpful Answer? Yes | NoThank you!Report Inappropriate
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What do you use to clean PrimaWax product off of them?
By: Kimjahns(09-Jul-22)Helpful Question? Yes | NoThank you!Report Inappropriate
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If brushes are cleaned immediately they will clean with soap and water. If it has been a while mineral spirits can be used before using soap and water.
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I use The Masters Brush Cleaner and Preserver for all my soooo good!!
By: kjkinney67(13-Jul-22)Helpful Answer? Yes | NoThank you!Report Inappropriate
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Are these brushes retractable or do they have covers?
By: Rosalind Hawotte(17-Dec-20)Helpful Question? Yes | NoThank you!Report Inappropriate
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Hello! No, they do not retract or come with covers.
By: Prima Marketing Inc(18-Dec-20)Helpful Answer? Yes | NoThank you!Report Inappropriate
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