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Is your Instagram photo collection expanding? These 4" x 4" page protectors from Becky Higgins are perfect for pocket page scrapbooking and give you the extra space you need to truly showcase your treasured memories. Each package includes ten page protectors that feature four 2" x 2" photo sleeves each.
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Is your Instagram photo collection expanding? These 4" x 4" page protectors from Becky Higgins are perfect for pocket page scrapbooking and give you the extra space you need to truly showcase your treasured memories. Each package includes ten page protectors that feature four 2" x 2" photo sleeves each.
is this compatible with the we r memory keepers 4x4 instagram albums?
By: User(13-Aug-15)Helpful Question? Yes | NoThank you!Report Inappropriate
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Yes, that's why I bought it, for a We R instagram album :)
By: laureltree(14-Aug-15)Helpful Answer? Yes | NoThank you!Report Inappropriate
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