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Shop the Christmas in July Stamping Sale!
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This was a LO that I did for a challenge at Bad Girls kits...the challenge was to have prominent journaling on your page. I didn't like my first LO so I had to try another one & this time, I'm very happy with my page. :-) I had to color the foam letters for "he's" with a black sharpie since they were white & just didn't work. And I used my hand little white paint sharpie to decorate the AC chipboard thickers. The journaling reads:
My dear, sweet man...he's everything to me. He's my hottie, my sexy lead singer. So talented. So special. He wrote me a love song and sang it for me on the night he proposed. He helped me wash my hair when I was hurting after having our son. He brought Ho-Ho's and roses to me in the hospital after I had our daughter. He never forgets my birthday or our anniversary. He took me to Metallica concerts...need I say more? He always thanks me for dinner even though I'm a terrible cook. He puts up with my messes...he's very organized. He's so smart & funny. Did I mention the dimples? He has the most amazing blue eyes I've ever seen & his smile had me hooked from the beginning. I'm so lucky & so blessed and I...
can't believe he's mine.
Editted to say...I totally should have said that this page was inspired by Jillian's fabulous work!! I love her artwork!! :-)
