Shop the Christmas in July Stamping Sale!<br>
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Shop the Christmas in July Stamping Sale!
Take 10% OFF Orders $100 or More With Code: HOLLY


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Give cheer Give a Cheer

I just found this layout on my hard drive and realized I never posted it here. I can't get over how little Skyler looks! What a difference a year makes! This was actually part of my HOF entry last year. I know calls will be going out soon for the 2008ers so GOOD LUCK to anyone who entered!!!

Like it or not, buddy, you’ve got a sister. And I’m afraid she’s here to stay. Okay, it’s true that she pushes you down, steals your toys, and pesters you until you scream. But deep down she loves you more than you could ever imagine. You are her real life baby doll, her constant companion, and the ultimate partner in crime. Even though it doesn’t seem like it at the moment, you are forming a bond that will outlast time itself. So the next time she tries to put you in a dress and slippers, cut her some slack, okay? She is your sister...whether you like it or not.
