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Shop the Christmas in July Stamping Sale!
Take 10% OFF Orders $100 or More With Code: HOLLY


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You have no idea how happy I am to have this picture. This swamp is right on top of a very busy road that connects nearby towns. The speed limit is 55+ and there isn't a shoulder. Needless to say, my car was in the lane- oops! So every day that I take my bf to work in the mornings, I drive past this swamp and I always see tons, maybe 10-20 turtles out basking in the sun. This is very cool to me because I have two painted turtles at home. So I've been trying all month to catch these guys. Problem is, they aren't accustom to people stopping on this very busy road. So I'd pull over on my way back to work, slam my car door and they'd hop in the water. Another time, my battery died as the last one jumped in. But this time, I caught one (even though there were at least 20 out when I pulled over.)
