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Shop the Christmas in July Stamping Sale!
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Round Robin week 1, group 3
Monthly color challenge
4th of July weekend 2010 we stayed at a friend's house who lives right across the street from this private lake. It was a nice relaxing weekend. Most of the people live there year round and the cottages have been in their families for years so everyone knows each other and welcomes visitors. I can't remember exactly what town, but it was near Akron, IN.

The lounge chair sticker I got from Heather hvn something from the August beach envie swap.

The relax embellie was made by Cassondra71 that got from her Mono, Munchie, Mini swap from July.
I got my inspiration from my favorites gallery and started off with Kimmyc70's Monarch and started off with different strips of punched papers but decided to go with a die cut doily and instead of butterflies, I cut out seagulls. Her lo can be found here:
