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Shop the Christmas in July Stamping Sale!
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My October page for project 2011. For this one, I used papers by October Afternoon- from the "Campfire" and "Fly a Kite" lines. I made the leaves using punches and then doodled the details with a Signo pen. I cut out my title lettering with the Cuttlebug. Journaling reads:

"Oct. 1- when I woke up it was 40° outside. yay fall! this was day two of our two day crop. I got three pages done- for me, that’s good! Oct. 2- family lunch @ Barnstormer’s (minus Benjamin). we toured the air museum & even got to watch two planes take off. Oct. 5- did a photo shoot with Nichole at her grandfather’s farm. the setting was gorgeous- the fields were just covered in yellow flowers. it was so much fun- it had been far too long since I’d done a photo shoot! Oct. 6- midterms! I aced them all! Oct. 9- filled in on the piano at church. it went well. I thought being back might make me miss it. but it didn’t. I don’t regret the decision I made in March to quit. Oct. 10- got a little taste of what it might be like to be a mother someday. ruby had to have a minor surgery to get a skin tag removed. it was so hard leaving her at the vet that morning. then came the waiting part, with my crazy female brain playing out every ridiculous “what if” scenario it could conjure up. I was just counting down to 4:00 when I could go get my baby. naturally, the surgery went fine & she is even over being mad at me for leaving her. sheesh. if I’m this emotional about my dog, I’m going to be an absolute basket case when I have kids! Oct. 10&11- fall break. yay! Oct. 16- finally decorated for fall. slackers. we also got a pumpkin with the intention of carving it & then never got around to it. fail. Oct. 18- passed out after cutting my finger. now, I’ve passed out several times in my life but never over a measly little cut. good grief. my mother says this makes me a “true” southern belle now. Oct. 19- ruby got her stitches removed. too bad it was before Halloween, hah. she was very happy to be able to play again. Oct. 29- we had a bonfire for the first time in forever. oh, how I love this time of year! Oct. 30- mama & I went with the guys & their friends to take pictures of them shooting. after snapping a few pics, we were over that & headed off to do our own photo shoot @ dundee lake. it was such a cool location. Oct. 31- normally we don’t do much for Halloween, but this year we all dressed up, then headed over to joshua’s to hand out candy. good times......"

Thanks so much for looking!!
