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This past weekend, in a covert and brilliantly conceived and executed plan, my sisters and brother and I, managed to pull of the surprise of the century. We managed to come in from three states, to a 4th state and surprise my mom for my parents 50th anniversary! (Dad HAD to be in on it!)
Here's the two of them smooching at dinner! My sister Cindy (Alliekat here on took this picture.

Now, lemme tell you about them. EVERYBODY says they have the best parents (anybody with good parents says that), but ya gotta know, these two are the best.
At dinner the next night, we went around the table with toasts and thoughts and my mom said she was so proud that we were 'good' people. Successful, working, independent people. Hold up, Mom. It's because of THESE TWO, that we ARE this way. Seeing relatives our age, with so much less drive and smarts and just plain common sense, my parents did a great job.
Four successful adults. 100% successful PARENTS.
And from their first kiss to this one, they are still madly in love and I never get tired of seeing them like this. Happy and STILL in love.

To the best parents EVER, Happy 50th Mom and Dad! I love you very much!

(and hey, thanks for looking pals, I love you too!)
