Shop the Christmas in July Stamping Sale!<br>
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Shop the Christmas in July Stamping Sale!
Take 10% OFF Orders $100 or More With Code: HOLLY


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Claire, you now weigh 11 ˝ lbs. You recently moved up to size 2 diapers and wear 3 month sized clothes. You love to smile and smile all the time! You started pawing at toys and other objects. You also started sitting in your Bumbo and play saucer where you bat toys around. Your neck is getting very strong and you can hold it up well while you are on you tummy. You frequently demand to be held upright so you can better see everything! At Ty’s arrow of light ceremony you demanded that grandma hold you up where you could look at and see everything that happened. You are very interested in everything happening around you. You will no longer take a bottle at all. You were the cutest little Witch for Halloween! You still spit up all over the place and we are fairly certain that you spit up even more than Blake did as a baby! Thankfully you seemed to have gown out of the phase where the spit up would also come out your nose and make you cry. You love it when your “fan club” (a.k.a your big brothers) arrive home from school each day and you start smiling at them the moment they pile into the van after school!
