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Shop the Christmas in July Stamping Sale!
Take 10% OFF Orders $100 or More With Code: HOLLY


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This is a pic of my dd's school picture from last year (10th grade). I have always wanted to scrap a b&amp;w version of it, and I thought it went perfect with this background. I have been looking at all of the wonderful doodling on lo's for a week now and finally decided to try it out. I've always doddled on little pieces of paper, but have never put it on a lo before or such a lot of space before. So while I watched the news last night I started doodling. This was going to be a test page, but I think all of the flaws give the lo a little character, so I decided to keep it. Just to give the lo a little color, I painted some of the flowers with water color pencils. I don't think I will add any other embellies to it, such as ribbon, but what do you think? TFL
