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I figured it was time for another one of these pages - the last one I did was me at 18. I think it would be fun to do one every year just to see how much changes or stays the same. I did this page a couple of months ago, just a few days before I turned 24. I kept the layout itself fairly simple - for me this page was all about the journaling. The papers I used are by Simple Stories. Journaling reads:

"At 23 I: Have an AA in English. / Have taken off a semester from school & in the meantime am working an internship in Atlanta that I hate. / Plan to return to college to get my BA. / Have learned that I hate commuting an hour (one way) to Atlanta every day & that the “big city” is entirely overrated – I’m a simple, country girl at heart. / Got the camera of my dreams. / Did my first real photo shoot. / Am still single & have yet to go out on a date – hopefully there’s some truth to the whole “good things come to those who wait” saying – this girl has waited almost 24 years & is starting to get a little impatient. / Wish I had more time to do what I want to do. As I’m getting older, I’m realizing how truly fast life passes us by, cliché as that sounds. / Finally became comfortable enough in my own skin to start expressing my own personal style, without worrying so much about what others think. / Have been forced to deal with confrontation & defending myself, something I’ve never been good at. / Still don’t have it all “figured out”. Who knows where I’ll be a year from now?

In a few days I’ll be 24, which is a bit hard to believe, honestly. I certainly don’t feel that old, not that 24 is very old. My approaching birthday has prompted me to think about the past year, the things I’ve been through & experienced. There have been both good times & bad. I’ve laughed. I’ve cried. I’ve loved & been loved. I’ve lost someone very dear to me. I’ve celebrated with people I love. I’ve questioned who I am. I’ve worried. Mostly about my uncertain future. I’ve struggled. With school & with life in general. I’ve been frustrated. I’ve had to deal with rejection. I’ve matured, but I’m still immature at times. I’ve discovered new things. About myself & about others. I’ve explored new places. I’ve questioned my beliefs & I’ve formed new beliefs. I graduated with a 4.0. I made my first D. I’ve received praise & criticism. I played the piano. I lost a job. I learned to knit. I went on one of the best trips of my life. I took a photo every day of the year. I wrote in my journal. I read. I did all this and so much more… My 23rd year has had more than its share of difficult times. But overall it was a good year. Through my struggles, I feel I’ve learned & grown as a person. And I look forward to the coming year, to new experiences, & to seeing where I am this time next year."

Thanks for looking!
