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Shop the Christmas in July Stamping Sale!
Take 10% OFF Orders $100 or More With Code: HOLLY


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Meet Mimzy our new bundle of energy. She is Bichon with some cocker spaniel my heart has been broken since we lost our 16 year old family dog over a year ago. I've cryied my eyes out ever since. Due to the heart wrenching pain of losing my best friend I never wanted to experience that again. But I've been so sad constantly missing her, feeling the loss every day. So a month ago, after MONTHS of thinking I opened my heart alittle and talked myself into letting another pet into my heart. I have to say its been an emotional ride and crazy dealing with a puppy who puts EVERYTHING into her mouth lol I thing my fingers have been in her mouth more then she puts food into it lol but gotta love the endless energy. Thanks for reading. Sherry
