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Conversation with Jon Michael

Jon Michael: Mommy, ask me about my day.
Mommy: Jon Michael, how has your day been?

Jon Michael: It’s been boring.
Mommy: Boring? How can your day been boring. We’ve been at Six Flags all day?!

Jon Michael: It’s been boring because I didn’t get to ride that mine train ride. It’s the only ride I wanted to ride all day. Do you think they will fix it soon?
Mommy: I hope so. We’ll go see in just a few minutes, ok?

Jon Michael: Ok Mommy.

The Dahlonega Main Train Ride, who would have thought this ride would make such an impression on Jon Michael. Not long after arriving at the park, Jon Michael noticed the roller coasters. He so wanted to ride one, but he was too short for many of them. Then we found the Mine Train. Not too short of this one. Lisa, Jon Michael, and I got in line to ride the train. However after a few minutes, something was wrong. The cars weren’t moving. An announcement came on that said the ride wasn’t working but would be soon. We could wait, or we could come back later. We opted to come back later in the afternoon. Jon Michael wasn’t happy, but a ride on the Sky buckets helped. That afternoon we walked back to the Mine Train Ride, and it was working!

(After the ride)
Mommy: Jon Michael, how has your day been?
Jon Michael: It’s been great! The Mine Train is the goodest ride at Six Flags!!!! Did you hear me scream as we went fast?! That was so fast!
