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Shop the Christmas in July Stamping Sale!
Take 10% OFF Orders $100 or More With Code: HOLLY


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For this challenge we had to use Jill's list:1. a product from your old stash - The star paper is from my old stash 2. a product you've never used or opened - the flag stickers were unopened 3. something from your purse/bag - the square red Disneyland card is from my purse - I had left it on top of my car when put the vinyl decal on my window and when I went to leave, I saw it there and stuck it in my purse. 4. your own handwriting - I wrote the date on the journal card 5. a computer-generated element - Sam Eagle was printed from the website Simple Disney Things 6. a quotation - Well, Sam's words are a famous quote for me but I also have America the Beautiful on there! 7. a photo of yourself - Yeah- that's me! 8. at least 6 inches of thread, twine, or ribbon - star ribbon 9. A C,H, or A (or all three) A in America and USA
