Shop the Christmas in July Stamping Sale!<br>
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Shop the Christmas in July Stamping Sale!
Take 10% OFF Orders $100 or More With Code: HOLLY


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This is for this week's 3 product challenge - flowers, colour photo and clear embellie.Just a quick one about our dd who is constantly asking us “Are you happy?” Journaling reads: Future investigative reporter? Or simply a curious tot? It’s hard to know, but Alicia loves to ask her friends and loved ones about what they are thinking. “Are you happy?” If the answer is “no” Alicia will do her best to use her sweet personality to cheer you. And if the answer is “yes” it makes her day, and she adds “I’m happy, too!”Supplies: pp is BG and Cbx, BG tags with vellum, Bazzill &amp; misc cs, May Arts ribbon, S! and Dots, Dashes &amp; Checks ribbon, prima flowers, MM brads, Cbx frame, Alphas are KI Alpha Soup, Pressed Petals, HS, Rebecca Sower. K &amp; Co. Bookplates KI. TFL!
