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Shop the Christmas in July Stamping Sale!
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This is my page for the “Why I Scrapbook” contest. I really liked the idea of this contest, and when I sat down to write, I found that I had a lot to say about the subject! Supplies: cardstock and mini brads are Bazzill; patterned paper is KI Memories; border sticker is Mrs. Grossman's; circle embellishment is American Crafts; chipboard letters are Heidi Swapp; rub ons are Scrapworks; and font is CK Constitution. Journaling reads: Scrapbooking has taught me to appreciate the small, everyday moments in my life. Moments that, at the time, seem unimportant and insignificant but which become the threads that, woven together, form the ever-expanding fabric of my existence. Because of scrapbooking, I remember what Brandon’s room looked like when he was 9, the ongoing Bionicles battles he had set up in the middle of the room, and the “Pokemon eggs” (actually rocks) that he and his friend Lance pretended were going to hatch one day. Because of scrapbooking, I remember Brian’s favorite playthings when he was 3, that he went through a stage where he hated to hear any adult sing, and that he (cleverly) used to call our neighbor’s trampoline a “bounce-oline.” Because of scrapbooking, I came to realize that Brad shows his love for me every day by setting up my morning coffee, and I appreciate the small loving things that he does in a different, deeper way than I used to. Because of scrapbooking, I was able to help a friend who’d lost her infant son heal just a little bit. Because of scrapbooking, I have far more friends than I used to, and I laugh a lot more, too. Because of scrapbooking, I have another chance. Another chance to feel the sun on my back at the beach in Petoskey, another chance to experience Brian’s wet, open-mouthed toddler kisses, another chance to feel my heart swell at Brandon’s generosity to a classmate. Another chance, any time I want it, to go back to a moment in time, whether that moment is a big one (like a first birthday), or a tiny one (like finding the little piles of socks that barefoot-loving Brian used to leave all over the house). Another chance to examine each of those threads that form my life’s fabric. And that is . . . Why I Scrapbook. TFL
