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Shop the Christmas in July Stamping Sale!
Take 10% OFF Orders $100 or More With Code: HOLLY


Give a Cheer
Give cheer Give a Cheer

This one is all about SamSamIAm. The journaling is under the circle and there are mini magnets under the paw to keep it closed. The journaling basically notes how anyone who thinks cats have no purr-sonality or are aloof just hasn’t spent quality time with cats. Sammy can be incredibly affectionate and instinctively knows when you need a cuddle. He is also fierce and will battle any string, catnip mouse or fabric snake and proudly present them to you before bedtime. He also watches every move and secretly tries them out - opening doors, food bins and tied bags. And he’s never afraid to look sweetly ridiculous - looking out from the bottom of a very deep box (can’t get out), refusing to get out of his playpen because he wants outside time, hanging upside down off the coffee table.

2021 April Challenges
Daily Inspiration - days 4 and 13
Scrap Your Pet
