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American Crafts - Modern Album - Customizable 12 x 12 D-Ring - Black

  • American Crafts - Modern Album - Customizable 12 x 12 D-Ring - Black
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American Crafts - Modern Album - Customizable 12 x 12 D-Ring - Black

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What sets the American Crafts Modern Album apart is that it's completely customizable. Decorate the cover of this 12" x 12" album any way you like using papers, stamps, paints, inks, ribbons or other embellishments. Make it unique, like your layouts. The heavy cover is made of pressboard, strong enough to hol...  Full Description & Details
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Description & Details

What sets the American Crafts Modern Album apart is that it's completely customizable. Decorate the cover of this 12" x 12" album any way you like using papers, stamps, paints, inks, ribbons or other embellishments. Make it unique, like your layouts. The heavy cover is made of pressboard, strong enough to hold even heavier embellishments. The interlocking style of the D-ring album gives you freedom to add pages when you finish them and not have to worry about scrapping chronologically. Page protectors not included.

The page protectors that are compatible with this album are:
Universal 12 x 12 Page Protectors
American Crafts 12 x 12 

Product Reviews
Avg. Rating (22 total)
91% of buyers would recommend
  • Verified Buyer

    Perfect Album to store numerous digital layout in

    This album is much easier to handle than the ones with the little posts. I now have 70 page protectors in it. I am pretty sure I'll be able to get at least 120 of the kind of printed layouts I get into it, hoping for 140! Mine are not the standard hard glossy photo.

    On the rings, they are manageable. It doesn't pop open! No struggling to try to put an extender on!

    I love it and may do something artful to put on the cover!

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    Used in this project: NANNIE WOULDN'T DO IT THIS WAY!

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  • Verified Buyer

    Great Album!

    I've had this album for about a year now. It is FABULOUS! The quality is wonderful. I've traveled to a number of crops with it and it travels with me. It has withstood all the banging around it gets from traveling. It holds a ton of pages and I like how you can change up the cover to suit your mood, the season, or a special occasion. This is a great product. You will not regret this purchase.

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  • Verified Buyer

    This product has made my scrapbooking even more fun!

    I've just started using these D-ring albums and I love the freedom it has given me. If you do not scrap chronologically, this is the album for you. It's so easy to pop your layouts in and out and move them around. You can mix page protector sizes, which gives a whole other dimension to your scrapbooking. You are no longer bound by the one size of your album!

    I was a little concerned that the space in between the pages would make viewing double page layouts awkward, but it does not. The page protectors are made so that you just need to pull the pages up together slightly and view a seamless double page layout.

    I recommend giving this album a try, especially if you scrap out-of-order, like me!

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  • Verified Buyer

    I LOVE This Album!

    I have just recently purchsed my first Customizable Modern Album and I am loving it! It is also the first D-ring album I've ever used. Through the years I have progressed from strap-hinge albums to post bound and now I have found a new format to love. The D-ring album is so simple to use. I am not a chronological scrapper so I have always struggled to add and rearrange the pages in my other albums. This takes all the frustration out of adding new pages and rearranging existing pages. The album also holds a lot of pages and they are easy to flip through and view.

    What sets this album apart from other D-ring albums is that you can customize the covers any way you like! Just one more opportunity to showcase your creativity and it makes the album a one-of-a-kind! Customizing the covers is as much fun as filling it with amazing layouts!

    One suggestion I have is to use Mod Podge to adhere papers to your album covers. Spread the Mod Podge on the chipboard cover as well as on the paper surface you want to adhere. You have to work kind of quickly, but this method helps greatly to reduce bubbling in the paper. Paint works fantastically on these covers also.

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    Used in this project: Family Vacation Memories Album

  • Verified Buyer

    Great but not so good for shipping

    It is a great blank canvas to start a scrapbook but not so good for the shipping. When I recieved this item the corners were bent and there was a crease in the back. But over all it is a great scrapbok.

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  • Verified Buyer

    D - Ring Album

    Great album for scrapbooking. D-Ring makes it easy to add or move pages around,

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  • Verified Buyer

    Modern Customizable 3-ring Binder

    I was excited about having a binder I could customize and sort some of my scrapbook papers into. This would be great if it was a bit sturdier. I'm not sure it will hold up under the weight of 5+ lbs of paper for very long. I would recommend it for other lighter projects, but probably not what I'm trying to use it for.

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  • Verified Buyer

    Perfect for this album1


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  • Verified Buyer

    The Only Album I'm Using Now...

    I absolutely love these Modern Albums from American Crafts. The possibilities for customizing them are endless! These are the only albums I buy now, and I'm planning to paint each cover to go with the theme of the album! So MUCH FUN!

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    The three ring binders are so much easier to use than the post albums.

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Questions & Answers
  • Sure it's 3 rings? It looks like two in thr video   By: moranko7886 (07-Jun-19) Helpful Question?  Yes  |  No Thank you! Report Inappropriate This question has been reported. Thank you!
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  • The page protectors that this album accomodaites can they hold Project Life pages?

    Thank you,
    Kathleen   By: kmb0604 (17-Feb-17) Helpful Question?  Yes  |  No Thank you! Report Inappropriate This question has been reported. Thank you!
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  • What do you do about edges? Do you just cover the surface and leave the edges raw? Do you cover the edges and matt the inside ala a book style?   By: froggielady (31-May-15) Helpful Question?  Yes  |  No Thank you! Report Inappropriate This question has been reported. Thank you!
    • I just covered mine with paper inside and out and used a black permanent marker on the edges. Then I decoupaged the paper cover and the edges with matte decoupage. By: mcourtney (01-Jun-15) Helpful Answer?  Yes  |  No Thank you! Report Inappropriate This Answer has been reported. Thank you!

    • I like to leave my albums as is. I like the 'raw' feel of them. I then just use thickets to stick on a title. By: salzburggirl (01-Jun-15) Helpful Answer?  Yes  |  No Thank you! Report Inappropriate This Answer has been reported. Thank you!
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  • I bought a similar album some years ago and want to buy another. Mine measures 12 X15w. Is the 12X12 the same one? I'm guessing that the cloth section is the additional 3" but it is not stated anywhere in the description of the album. Thank you!   By: garituch (16-Oct-14) Helpful Question?  Yes  |  No Thank you! Report Inappropriate This question has been reported. Thank you!
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  • How many pages will this hold? I would be putting in digital 12x12 pages that I have done.
    Thank you   By: pozeepatti (29-Jun-14) Helpful Question?  Yes  |  No Thank you! Report Inappropriate This question has been reported. Thank you!
    • Hi, good question! This will come with 10 12x12 page protectors, and I always purchase extra packages of protectors. I have several of these albums, and I pulled out one of the thicker (more filled) albums and counted the pages. I filled this one with 23 pages, which is 46 layouts. It's pretty full with this many pages, because I have traditional layouts in it with layering and dimensional embellishments. However, since you are putting digital pages in your album, I could easily imagine your being able to fit at least 25 pages (50 layouts), possibly more. It also depends on how full you like your album, as well; 25 pages should not stuff it too much, I don't think (when I lay my album down, the covers are perfectly level with the 2.5" spine). These albums are great because you can decorate the outside to your pleasure, but beware: when I put some on the shelf, they ended up ruining the covers from taking out/putting back; the friction between books would rip papers and stickers off. Lesson I learned: keep the decor simple, and make it as sturdy as possible (lacquer it, art finishing sprays, etc). Hope this helps! By: jenniferlala (02-Jul-14) Helpful Answer?  Yes  |  No Thank you! Report Inappropriate This Answer has been reported. Thank you!
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