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Corner of 1st and Main Cafe' 2023

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  • Dawna.s Place
    Welcome, come on in and sit a spell! The Café is a warm welcoming place for dear old friends, and sparkly new ones, to gather and keep in touch. My name is Dawna and I'll be your hostess. Please feel free to introduce yourself, pour a cup of coffee or whip up your favorite latte, pull up a chair and join in the conversation!

    1. Please be kind, courteous and respectful towards others.
    2. See rule 1.

    All are welcome!
  • Dawna.s Place
    Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year full of love, laughter, good health and good cheer!!!
  • Eapipkin
    Howdy, Dawna!! Happy New Year to you too!!
  • Pierced_scrapper
    Hi, Dawna! Happy New Year to you too!
  • Debbie.K
    Oh you did open it already. I posted on the old one. I probably should go over there to let everyone know we're not there anymore.

    To give a short version of what I said on the 2022 site, Kelly, your salad went over great. Everyone loved it. Even the little kids. Christmas at my sisters was great. Enjoyed the stealing of the gifts game and the food was amazing.
  • Linnny
    Hello Dawna and all! I love the 2023 Cafe! So many comfy chairs lining the walls. Is that a hint that we are all getting old and need that extra fluffiness for our old joints! blush emoji

    Christmas Day was such a wonderful time. Family and Food and Fun the three F's that made the day special. Dinner was perfect, if I say so myself! From appetizers to manicotti and every meat that filled the pot of 'gravy'. Desserts overflowed! Chocolate and candies and even fruit, just to keep it a bit healthy!!!!! I made shortbread cookies; spritz cookies; chocolate covered oreo cookies; chocolate covered pretzels; almond and cranberry bark in chocolate and white chocolate; toasted coconut and crispy chocolates....oy!!!!! My honey bought struffolis, aka, honey balls. My mama's were the best, but the Italian bakery came in a close second!!! Oh, and we also had a Chocolate Mousse Cheesecake from Juniors. A grain pie and my cuz made a homemade lemon cake and cupcakes! I planned ahead and bought containers so everyone went home with food and sweets. Of course, we were more than we could possibly eat, so the hub brought a huge selection to the homeless. I was so very grateful to feel good on Christmas Day as it took me about a month to get back to normal after dealing with my third bout of covid since the end of November.

    One of my bestest gifts is that Deen is on winter recess and that means he is here till after the New Year. He just brings light to our home! I could brag on him for hours....

    Today I pack up all the 'stuff' I bought off the tv shopping networks that didn't work, fit, seem as nice, etc......

    Until then, I will just sit in this lovely comfy chair and sip my coffee and look forward to who enters the cafe.
  • LauralsAttic
    Just a Reminder, if anyone wants to sign up for Jan swap, here is the link
  • Kelly.R
    Deb, I'm do glad everyone liked the salad. grin emoji

    I decided on something different for my Blue Fern Christmas album. I don't have it in me to try and make another 10 x 10 album. Too much work and I'm still waiting for the correct scoreboard be shipped to me anyway. I plan on trying again sometime later when I am feeling much better.

    I decided to go with the Heartfelt Creations 12 x 12 insta album. I have been hoarding the 8 x 8 for several years waiting for the right anniversary beach trip. I wasn't even aware they made it in a 12 x 12. Now I won't have to cut so much of the beautiful paper.

    I was able to go into my room today to reorganize. I also fussy cutted several of the YT journal cards to make frames.

    Glad everyone had a good Christmas. No plans for us for New Years. Several bowl college and NFL games on Saturday and Sunday so will stay home and watch those instead.

    ) emoji Kelly
  • Dawna.s Place
    Happy New Years everyone! My house is still in shambles from Christmas Day. My DH bought me a new monitor as mine is about 10 years old now and always looks a bit fuzzy. I'd love to get it installed today, along with my new keyboard and music echo. But, my craftroom is still under water from our floor renovation. We didn't get our house back until the first week of November, so there's a major clean up to be done so I can put away my secret Santa gifts. Not quite feeling well enough for all that bending and stumping yet. My calf/ankle injury are finally starting to heal. Gosh, it's taking forever! I've had to lay down to stay off it so much that I've managed to get my nights and days mixed up! Ugh! This too shall pass...

    Debbie I'll close the 2022 Café' thread up today.

    Kelly how are you feeling now? Any better?

    Linny your Christmas sounds just fabulous! It was so nice of Bob to take all those deserts to the homeless. You've both got a heart of gold! So glad that you get to spend time with Deen, that's just wonderful!
  • Dawna.s Place
    Jessica I'm bringing your layouts over to the new thread so everyone can see. I'll be closing up the other 2022 thread today. I'm sure David is going to love this album!

  • Debbie.K
    Jessica, that sure is a sweet layout. Beautiful memory to be able to look back on.

    Dawna, how's your ankle doing. It just seems like it takes forever to heal as we get older. I guess our bones just aren't as strong as they use to be. Shoot, my entire body ain't as strong as it use to be. I wish I could just crawl into a medical unit, push a button and come out with a whole new body. Yea, I need to stop reading SciFi books. LOL

    Loving the 48 degree temps today. So much better than below zero.
  • Linnny
    Good morning!

    Deb, we too are loving the 'hot spell'! That frigid weather we had been having was a real jolt to the the old bod!

    Got to make a non-holiday card yesterday!!!! My girlfriend Sandy will be celebrating a birthday in January. We have been friends since we were teenagers and since we are 75 years old this year, that is one very long relationship.
  • LauralsAttic
    only 2 more days to sign up for Jan swap if anyone is interested in joining!
  • Eapipkin
    That is a long relationship!! So neat!!
  • Kaye222
    Good morning,
    The weather is still icky and foggy outside. It's damp and chilly. I sure wish the sun would come back. Unfortunately that will mean the nasty cold weather will probably bring snow across the US. So get ready. We still have the Christmas stuff up so at least all the red gives the house a nice cozy feeling. Maybe today is a good day for a log in the fireplace. I'm drinking coffee and I need to go to the Verizon store. Idk if I want to go though? We r babysitting the little one for New Year's Eve. I don't know what I was thinking? So much work….lol
    Kelly hope you are feeling better and your mom does well with her surgery
    Dawna hope you are feeling better too
    Everyone have a great day
  • Eapipkin
    We got 8" more snow overnight.
  • Debbie.K
    8 more inches? Lord, that's crazy. We've hit spring weather today. It's raining but at least it's in the mid 50's. I can finally thaw out.

    My sister is coming over today to watch Black Adam. I already saw it when it came out in theater but it's on HBO Max and since we have the app, she's coming over. Pizza sounds like a good plan to eat while watching it.

    Stay warm everyone. Especially those of you that are still getting hit with snow. Brrrrr
  • Kelly.R

    The weather finally turned nice and the wind stopped blowing. We went out for lunch today. A seafood place. Crab legs, shrimp and oysters. Yum! We had plenty of shrimp left for tonight. Did a few errands and went to Walmart. Ready to stay in for the rest of today and tomorrow.

    I was feeling OK when I got up this morning, but after all our running around my back is saying ugly hateful things to me. I should take a nap.

    I got my album in the mail today. Love! Now if I can just get started.

    Happy New Year!

    ) emoji Kelly
  • Kathylovestoscrap
    Hello everyone. This cafe sounds like my kind of hang out. Hoping I can be an interloper being from Down Under and all. Linny your Christmas Day sounds like my kind of heaven. Happy New Year everyone, it is 9.30am on January 1st here in Australia. Time for the new year to bring me some happy.

    It is cooler today but should heat up to 95+ by Friday. Have already had one beach day so looking forward to many more.

    Cleaned my craft desk yesterday. Now to clear some of the stash and kits I have been hoarding for tyhat special day ----2023 is that time I have decided.

    Dawna sending some more fast healing prayers your way. Nothing worse than an ankle injury - took 18 months for my archilles to heal.

    Off to put the kettle on and then settle back for a little scrapping and some Death in Paradise binge watching.

  • Lorna Lee
    Hi ya'll
    Happy New Year
  • Debbie.K
    Kathy, it'll be so nice to have you here with us to bring another culture to our chat room. So I'm guessing while we are having winter right now, you are having summer. Is your 95 degree temp a humid 95 or a dry 95?

    Does anybody else have an annual New Years Day "good luck" dinner every year? Being from a German background I've invited my family over for our annual New Years Day meal of sauerkraut, kielbasa, and mashed potatoes. Would love to hear what y'all do for your Good Luck meal.

    I am loving these temps of the mid 50's but a bit tired of the dreary rain but I'm not going to complain. It could be below zero and snowing.
  • Erin Perry
    Our rain started and it is expected to bring 5-8" of snow this afternoon! Crafting day for me!
  • Eapipkin
    Happy New Year!!
  • Tena E.
    Happy New Year!!
  • Kathylovestoscrap
    It is a dry heat mostly Deb. Yesterday was fine until 3.30pm then it was air conditioner time. Today is set to be hotter. I am envious of your snow at the moment - no let's be real - ever. Never get snow where I live and not that much in Australia really at all - so I have never actually seen it. I always say I am going to go to the Snowy Mountains to see it one day but never do. This is year is the year!

    My husband would love to have been invited to your Good Luck dinner. He loves everything you mentioned on the menu. I think that is a great tradition. I think I need to start that up. My family love when I pull a feast together and what a perfect opportunity.
  • Debbie.K
    I'm told that a dry heat is so much better than a wet heat with all the humidity that goes with it. But no matter how you go about it, 95 is still 95. LOL

    Had a really nice dinner with my siblings yesterday for our annual New Years Day dinner. We ended up watching Ticket to Paradise to finish out the night. I've seen it before but my sisters and SIL had not. It's amazing the things you pick up on that you missed the first time around.

    Looks like another rainy day. Tomorrow doesn't look any better but temps keep climbing. Works for me.
  • Pierced_scrapper
    HAPPY NEW YEAR! I went to David's last night and met the rest of his friends. We vibed and chilled; it was a success. *Bigsmile*

    David showed me his mom's curio cabinet and we really did have a lot in common. She loved Eeyore and fantasy figurines as well. David did say, "I have a picture of her somewhere." I told him I was curious and wanted to see what she looked like. Sometimes I worry about being insensitive, but it's not.

    This year I'm letting go of anxiety. I have nothing to be anxious about with him.
  • Linnny
    Good Day and Happy New Year to all you wonderful crafty gals!

    Welcome Kathy!!!!

    After paying some bills, I will get to making some more Valentine's Day Cards. One of the groups I belong to on FB is From The Heart. We send cards to those who need a bit of lovin or encouragement. We also send to nursing homes. In addition, we have a list of veterans, some back to WWII, Korea, Viet Nam, etc. I decided to send these amazing people a Valentine's Day Card. Of course, I decided to do this BEFORE i counted how many were on the list. But, I think I can do it! smile emoji

    So before I get started, I'm gonna plant this fat arse (who gained 7 lbs since Christmas!!!!) into this lovely chintz covered fluffy chair, put me legs up, and sip on a cup of Joe with a bit of half and half.
  • Kathylovestoscrap
    @Linnny you crack me up. I am interested in the group you belong to. I make cards and then have no idea what to do with them, This is a great idea. I have made a deal with myself this year that every layout I do, the scraps/ leftovers make a card or go to the recylcing. I have way too many small pieces that I will use one day. I am going to end up with a billion cards!
  • Eapipkin
    I know just what you mean, Kathy! I have millions of pieces!!
  • Kristine W
    Hi ladies, Happy New Year! Did anyone make any craft projects for New Years? I usually spend the day in my craft room, but this year my "craft project" was helping my dad to refinish the hardwood floors in my new house! My arms are so sore from using muscles I never use, but it will be so worth the effort when it's done!

    Deb, my family also makes sauerkraut and kielbasa/pork with mashed potatoes for the new year, but seeing as how I don't like it, I just pick out the meat and leave the rest!

    Kathy, what part of Australia are you from? I have always wanted to visit and had it on my travel list for 2021 but Covid messed up my travel list for the last three years! I'll get there one day!
  • Pierced_scrapper
    Kristine, I'm just hoping the supplies and photos I ordered for my holiday scrapbook come in this week. I ordered some odd sized photos at a mom and pop camera shop, but the manager caught COVID last week. I'm hoping he's better and I'll get the photos by Friday. I did work on some layouts with what I do have, but it's easier when I have everything.
  • Kathylovestoscrap
    Hi Kristine, Covid has interrupted lots of travel plans for everyone. I live in New South Wales in the Lower Blue Mountains. I live in the township of Warragamba - the place of Warragamba Dam and Sydney's water supply. I am situated about 64km (39miles) from Sydney city. I live in what they call rural - it is a smal town but close to city like hubs. I am about one hour from the closest beach and in three hours I can be in Newcastle and encountering over 100 beaches.
    Australia is a big place and I have not seenvery much of it I am ashamed to say. I am going on a cruise later this year - doing the Queensland coast and Wilson Island. Looking forward to it.
  • Debbie.K
    Morning everyone. Kathy, isn't it funny how you can live somewhere for most of your life and have seen less of the area than most tourists see. When I think back on some of the places I've lived, I wish that I had explored more of the area. Your cruise sounds like fun. Enjoy

    I have been so lazy since Christmas ended. It's like I don't want to get out and do anything. I'm hoping it's the weather that's keeping me put. Non stop rain for the past week but the temps are wonderful. So glad those frozen temps are gone for now.
  • Dawna.s Place
    I hope everyone had a great start to the New Year! Sorry didn't mean to go MIA on you all, just been keeping my ankle up to keep from having to take so much Advil. I feel like a complete slug. Ugh! I am finally starting to feel better though. Now, if I can just get my nights and days straightened back out, so I can get a reasonable nights sleep, I'll feel a lot better. This too shall pass...

    Kathy @kathylovestoscrap WELCOME to the Café' We're so glad to have you! We could use a little international flare around here! Feel free to whip up your favorite coffee, latte, or tea. There are plenty of comfy chairs to sit a spell too! lol

    Debbie my mom is from the south, so she used to fix black eyed peas and ham, with cornbread. I tried to continue her "good Luck" tradition, but DH doesn't care for black eyed peas. So it was turkey left overs for us this week.

    Kristine congratulations on the new house! Sounds like you and dad will be doing renovations for a while to get it into shape. You're so lucky to have a dad who knows how to renovate. What kind of flooring are you installing? We just did our floors in 2022. We started with a contractor in April and finally got our space back the first week of November! What a year it was for us!

    Elizabeth wow 8" of snow, that's a lot! My friend in Northern CA is getting dumped on too. It's supposed to rain here off and on this week. I'm so happy to get some wet stuff!

    Jessica I hope you get your photos soon. Have fun creating your lo's. My craftroom is still a cyclone. It's loaded down with our regular art and decor from the remodel as I moved right into Christmas once we got the house unpacked in November. I figure at the rate I'm healing, that I won't see my craftroom until about February!

    Linny so glad you love the cozy chairs! My lazy behind has gained so much from just lazing around, I'm afraid to step on the scale to see how much I've gained this past 7 weeks! Yikes, it's a scary number I'm sure!

    Kelly I haven't been out for sea food in eons! Your lunch sounds so delicious! DH is allergic to all shell fish, so I don't get treated to crab very often. Hum, that reminds me there is a really nice restaurant in down town Temecula that serves sea food. I'll have to have DH take me when I'm up to venturing out,

    Lisa I'm so sorry to hear that Franky has been mad at you. Have you enjoyed your break from school?

    Erin did you get some snow? We're getting rain here in so cal this week. Nor cal is getting snow with this storm. It all equals water to us, so I'm happy!

    Tena Happy New Year to you too! Are you crafting this week? If so, what are you working on?

    Laura I'm sorry I've been out of touch, just not feeling well enough to visit. I'll call you to catch up when I'm feeling better.

    Wishing you all a wonderful crafty day! Blessings to all!
  • Kristine W
    Dawna, we aren't installing floors, we are refinishing the hardwood floors that were all scratched and faded. Lots of sanding and then I'll pick the stain color and have hardwood floors throughout the entire house, except the kitchen and bathroom.

    Kathy, I hope your cruise goes well and you can see some of the country while you're on it! I think it's hard when you live in a large country to be able to see it all, and travel internationally, too!

    Jessica, I hope your photos arrive quickly so you can work on your project.
  • Tena E.
    Dawna, glad to hear you're feeling a bit better, hoping you get back to your regular sleeping pattern soon. I'm working on getting some much needed pages scrapped, so far I've done three and working on another one today. I'm a slow scrapper but like what I've done so far.

    Deb, growing up here in the south for new year's it's normal for most to have black-eyed peas like Dawna mention for luck and collard greens for money/prosperity for the year...well I don't like or eat either of those and never have LOL. We at pizza and salad, hubby watched football and I scrapbooked all day.

    Kristine, congrats on your new house!

    It's dreary and raining here too, dentist app tomorrow morning and then my last two PT session next week and in-between grocery shopping, errands and more scrapbooking...have a wonderful day everyone!!
  • Kathylovestoscrap
    Overcast here today. So great scrapping time ahead. Dawna, hope that ankle keeps healing for you.

    I love hearing about where you all live and what it is like, so different to here in a lot of cases. I have never seen snow for one thing. We usually get runs of 115+ days in a row and always seems to time with going back to school in Febraury- uhhhh - not when on holidays of course.

    I'm off to see a doctor about a syst I have developed - more anti biotics no doubt. Have a great day everyone - or is it evening for you? Off to have a chai!
  • Kelly.R
    Welcome Kathy! 115+, that sounds like Texas in the summer. Fortunately, it's a dry heat also.

    I've had a set back over the past couple of days. Still having pain that morphed into nausea and vomiting. I'm better today. I don't think I'll ever get over this. Dawna, sounds like we're in the same boat. Just trudging along hoping to get well.

    Kristen, congrats on your move. I have LVP in my kitchen and I hate it. That should never be put down in wet areas. Can't wait to pull it up and put in tile. New homes mean new renovations. So Fun! I just need to gut the kitchen. I want to re-do the vanity in the hall bath. Lots of work on the outside. New siding, patio cover, fence, storage room. Just so many things to do.

    I have been able to work on my album some. Actually, got paper glued down. I love the 12 x 12 size. Don't have to cut up most of the pretty papers. It's going to take me forever to finish it if I don't start feeling better.

    Hope everyone is having a Happy New Year!

    ) emoji Kelly

  • Kathylovestoscrap
    Thank you Kelly for the welcome. Sorry to hear you are not well at the moment. Ride the wave and go with the pits and troughs.

    Hope everyone has been having a great day or will have a great day. It is currently 8.30pm on Thursday 5th here. Cloudy and cool today - only reached 69 today.

    After the grocery shopping I have had an afternoon cooking and scrapping. I love school holidays!
  • Erin Perry
    Kelly, I am so sorry you are still feeling crappy. Hope you turn the corner soon. And Dawna too.

    Tuesday I received a call from the billing office of the hospital concerning my upcoming colonoscopy tomorrow. She said that Blue Cross told them that my coverage expired 12/31! I tried calling but the recording said at least an hour wait or I could do the call back option. It was before noon and I opted to have them call me back. No call. So Wednesday morning I called as soon as they opened and finally got a live body. They are in the process of redoing their billing system which I knew because they sent me an email saying my payment coupon would be late and next payment would be due February 1. The woman said that the three letters that are at the front of my account number identifying the type of plan have been changed so that if providers are calling in they are told the policies are cancelled! She gave me the new letters and told me that the hospital should be able to verify the policy. Called the hospital back and they said they would try and get through but Blue Cross had them on hold for up to two hours yesterday and they were totally frustrated with them. I told her if I didn't have confirmation that they showed my policy was active by late afternoon Wednesday I would not be showing up on Friday! She did reach them and they confirmed the policy but then some discussion about prior authorization, etc. She assured me that if there was a problem they would fight the insurance. So, I had my last meal at 6:00 p.m. last night and now the fast begins. UGH! I am already starving after walking the dog and going to the gym but will have to survive on coffee and chicken broth for the day. Will definitely be glad when this is over.

    Yesterday I ran errands and hit Michael's and HL. I am going with Tena's approach of "eyes wide closed" and only bought what was necessary to keep the craft room running - 3D dots, glue sticks, some twine, one spool of lace ribbon, and a roll of large pearls. I had a $50 gift card at HL and only spent $20 of it! Was pretty pleased with myself - don't know that I've gotten out of that store for less than $20 before. While at HL and a stop at DT I checked out what they had for Valentine's Day so that I can have an idea when we get partners for next month's swap and decide on a project.

    I am working on some Valentine's Day cards today. The set I got gave you a lot of images but not a lot of papers so I am digging through my stash to fill in. Need to make five of them. Then back to birthday cards. I may do a mass production of some shabby chic ones with Mintay's Florabella papers. That will cover me for a few months. Still have some images I need to use up from Maja Design. I got a really cute 6x6 paper pack at Michael's at Christmas that had a lot of red in it and for the life of me I can't find it. Never used it on Christmas cards. Maybe I'll find it for the Christmas in July swap.

    Enjoy your day!

  • Dawna.s Place
    Morning Friends!

    The weather here in Menifee, Ca has been wet and rainy these past few days. I'm hoping that I can start taking down Christmas decorations today. I really can't do much bending and stooping yet, so hubby will have to give me a hand. Once I get these decorations put away, then I can turn my attention to cleaning up my craftroom. Boy it's a real mess in there. It's going to take some time to get things put away and all organized again. Yesterday I managed to get out of the house for a while which felt really good for a change.

    Kathy your post appears to be about 4 hours ago. It's currently 6:00am on Thursday the 5th. So it looks like your about 14 hours ahead of us here in California. I am in the Pacific Standard Time Zone here in the western United States (so is Elizabeth). We have four time zones in the US (not including Alaska and Hawaii). Eastern Time (Linny , Kristine and Tena are here) which is 3 hours earlier than me. Then there's Central Time (Debbie and Kelly are here). which is two hours earlier than me Then there's Mountain Time Zone (Lisa aka Kaye22 and Erin are here) which is one hour earlier than me. I don't have an International Time Zone map, but based on your posting time, you're about 11 to 14 hours ahead of us. Roughly a half a day apart. So what part of Australia do you live in? Do you have more than one time zone there? Are you in a major city, near the coast, inland or as you all say, in the outback?

    Kristine, sorry I missed that. Refinishing the existing hardwood floors is going to be fabulous! If I remember correctly, your new place will be closer to your parents house, is that right?

    Kelly sorry to hear you've had a set back. I honestly can't ever remember being down this long with an injury. I twisted an ankle once hiking many years ago, but the boot I had to wear still enabled me to get around.

    Tena can't wait to see your new lo's. My apologies, I just haven't been up to visiting the galleries' lately. My concentration is still the pits! But I do hope to catch up on the Mixed Media thread in the next day or two. So hopefully I can see what you've been up to.

    Well it's time for more coffee, so I hope everyone has a great day!
  • Kelly.R
    Kathy, I was diagnosed with Shingles the last week of November. The most horrible thing I have ever experienced. So much pain and I just feel horrible and lethargic.

    Erin, that sux. I hope everything is straightened out in the end. I have fought many of times with insurance companies. Good luck with your test.

    I bought the newer version of the We R Memory Keepers scoreboard with trimmer from Amazon and they sent me the old version. I sent it back, called and talked to a Rep on the phone and she supposably ordered me the correct version. Got it yesterday and they sent me the old version again. So, will have to go back to UPS today to return it again. Since Thursday Night Football is done for now, I cancelled my Prime membership. I don't need to be ordering from them anymore anyway.

    When I checked my email this morning I had a 40% off coupon for M's, plus a $5 voucher. I was able to find the We R Memory Keepers scoreboard with trimmer on their website. With my coupon and voucher is was less than the one I purchased at Amazon. I just hope they send me the right one this time.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    ) emoji Kelly
  • Eapipkin
    Hello everyone!

    Kelly, I'm sure sorry to hear you're still down. Also, all those renovations sound terrible!

    I got a $50 gift card from Hobby Lobby also, Erin. I might be going there today.

    Dawna, sure hope you get to feeling better!

    Welcome here, Kathy!

    I got the echocardiogram results and it's wonderful!! Here's what the doctor said:

    Comments from the Doctor's Office

    Ms. Pipkin-

    Great news! Your heart function is now normal. This is excellent!

    I would still recommend you continue all your current therapy. We do not need to aggressively titrate medications any more but SHOULD CONTINUE what you are already on.

    Billie will review with you further at your upcoming appt.

    Warm regards,
    Kathleen Love, MD FACC
    Cardiologist, Confluence Health

    Hot dog! No new medications!!

    Hugs, Elizabeth

  • Kelly.R
    Elizabeth, that's Wonderful! So glad you are doing better.

    ) emoji Kelly
  • Dawna.s Place
    Elizabeth, congrats, that's rally wonderful news! I'm so happy for you!
  • Tena E.
    Hi everyone,
    Elizabeth, that great glad you're doing well!

    Kelly, sorry you've had a set back, I hate to think of any nausea at all...I have plenty of that with my migraines. Hope today is a good day for you.

    Erin, hope your procedure goes well on Friday, sorry about having to deal with the insurance company. We have BC/BS Anthem PPO for our insurance but haven't have any problems so far, we got our new cards a few days ago (co-pay for specialist went up $10). And it's great that you're spending less and only getting the necessary supplies. My Mintay papers should get here today from Etsy that I ordered and got some of my items from Amazon already came so at least I have new things to look at LOL.

    Dawna, no need for apologies, we all have our good and bad days. Take care of yourself, feel better and everything else will fall into place.

    I'm hoping to get in more scrapping time today, yesterday was PT, grocery shopping and Walmart shopping so my house is once again fully stocked for food and cleaning supplies but my car really needs to be washed after all the rain...maybe tomorrow, not going out today.
  • Erin Perry
    Wonderful news Elizabeth!

    Here's a laugh for you - the hospital just called to confirm my procedure for tomorrow and to make sure I was following instructions. I assured her I was (guess she couldn't hear my stomach growling!) and would see them in the morning. She ends the call with "Have a great day!" Ya, right! How is that even possible??

  • Tena E.
    Then, I won't mention that I'm eating some crispy green grapes and raspberries for a snack and that I have a pork butt in the crock pot for some pulled pork bbq for dinner with cole slaw wink emoji
  • Kelly.R
    Tena, otherwise that would sound good, but I'm in Erin's predicament this morning without the assist of medication. Blech! Just thinking about any kind of food makes me barfy. stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes emoji

    If there is any good to this, I have lost some weight.

    ) emoji Kelly

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