
Give a Cheer
Give cheer Give a Cheer

Hello!! This lo is for the Boys Challenge. My cute little almost grandsons!! This is the journaling: (BTW-Aiden is 5 and Trenten is 3)
Aiden: Mommy, Mommy there’s a spider.
Trenten: Where??
Mommy: Where at Aiden?? Oh there!! Let me get something and kill it.
Aiden: Mommy NO!! Don’t kill spider-man!!
Trenten: That thing is CREEPY!!
Aiden: No it’s not…it’s good. It eats bugs.
Aunt Misty: Aiden your mom has to kill that thing or it will eat up all your toys!!
Mommy: Aiden, what are you doing??
Aiden: Checking my toys to be sure that spider-man doesn’t eat them!!
I was cracking up while their mom was telling me this!! I knew I had to scrap it!! She says the spider really wasn't as big as it looks in the photo!!
Thanks so much for taking a peek!! Have a great day!!
