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On their 60th wedding anniversary my mom found out she was very ill. It was to be their last anniversary together. But the 60 years they spent were happy and filled with love and joy and family and friends and dreams fulfilled and promises kept.
They were married during WWII. He was 22 and she was 19. He called her from Florida where he was stationed and told her if she wanted to get married she'd better get on down there right away so she and her parents drove down there from Virginia right away.
I chalked the edges of the cream rose with pink. I cut out the inside of the Prima Shabby Chic pp and chalked the edges and I used pop dots to adhere to the bg pp. It looks pretty cool IRL.
The bird is from a vintage card. pps are Prima as are the flowers. Pearls are ZVA. Butterfly punches are Martha Stweart. Alphas are Websters Pages and Thickers. The lace is from my stash and the little wedding rings are from Ms. One of my fave artists 2dogs used some little rings in a layout and said she got them at Ms and I found these there and they are by Jolee.
Entered in the No Challenge challenge
