
Give a Cheer
Give cheer Give a Cheer

Another LO for my 2007 San Diego vacation album. These photos are from the SD Wild Animal Park.

This is for:
1. Monthly Sketch Challenge - Week 2. I did the twist to make my own embellie. I made the lollipop flower from elephant skin print pp.

2. Use Your Supplies Week 3 ~ Paint. I used 7 colors of paint, and I did the twist by masking the leaf with paint. I mixed white and bottle green to do the first layer of the masking. Then I used apple green Smooch to do a more detailed layer, and also outlined the leaf shape with a patina pen. I did the colored dots of paint around the circle with the end of a paint brush.

3. May Lyric Challenge ~ Disney. I used the song Baby Mine for my title -- it's the lullaby Dumbo's mother sings to him in "Dumbo."

Journaling: This baby girl African elephant, less than 4 months old, was adorable, frolicing and running after her mom like a huge puppy. And those ears! We could not help but think of sweet Dumbo.

Everything I used was scrap except the elephant pp.
