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The journaling is rather long-winded, but if you're interested in reading it, here it is......
My grandparents bought this property about 30 miles north of Chicago in 1960, the year I was born. Named "Windswept" by the previous owners, the home had 5 acres of property with it, including open lawn with bushes, trees and flower beds. My grandfather loved to grow flowers and spend time gardening.
My earliest memories include being here. My mother and I spent a lot of time there in my early years, as she was divorced and it was just the two of us. We were there every summer. Growing up in Los Angeles, it was a real treat for me to have so much room to run and play. Some of my memories include:
*Riding around in the cart attached to the riding lawnmower. My grandmother had lovingly decorated the cart with Bozo decals for me!
*Jumping rope and flying a kite in the backyard.
*The "Rabbit Bushes". These were evergreen bushes that I gave this name because they had families of rabbits living in them.
*The big tree outside our bedroom window and how it made scary shapes on the wall as its shadow came through the glass bricks in our closet.
*The mother duck who would parade her ducklings across the lawn and nest them somewhere on the property.
*The stone tile floor of the sunporch, with it's three all-window walls looking out the the back of the property.
*How the extra refrigerator in the "utility room" was always filled with full cigar boxes and Pepsi-Cola bottles!
*The many thunderstorms we had - something that was very unusual to a California kid. And I was terrified of the thunder and lightening!
*The apple orchard nextdoor on one side of the property and the pond on the other side.
*The time my grandparents found a family eating a picnic lunch (complete with picnic blanket!) on their front lawn! It was so beautiful and always so well cared for that people thought it was a park!!?!

In 1984, my grandfather passed away, and we moved my grandmother down to Florida. We sold the property to a developer, who dubdivided it and built 14 houese there. It still makes me sad to think about it, as it was such a big part of my childhood. And now all I have left are a few pictures and my memories. It shall forever be etched into my memory and my soul.
