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Journaling reads: The down side of taking the overnight train from Krakow to Prague is that you arrive at 7am and no hotel room is ready at that hour. So after walking to the hotel (with some pauses for photos along the way) and dumping my luggage I headed back out to find some breakfast. I had plans to head back to a cafe I had passed which looked like it served a good meal but, as I soon discovered in Prague, if you walk past it you may never find it again. Instead I ended up in the main square, Starom&#283;stské nám&#283;stí, where I found a seemingly nice cafe for breakfast. After sitting down and ordering I looked up to discover I had chosen a place right in front of the famed astronomical clock known locally as Orloj.
The breakfast was nice enough although more than I could eat and the staff was in no hurry to send me on my way so I waited until after the hour so I could see the clock from this un-crowded position. One of my guide books described it as being less impressive than it sounds and I must admit there was an element of it being not quite as grand as I had imagined.


Katie Pertiet - template, Painted Book No 1, clock, Gilded Photo Frames No 1
Gennifer Bursett - Far and Away, Julep
Baers Garten - Travel journaling cards
