
Give a Cheer
Give cheer Give a Cheer

ok... so no need for anyone to be impressed by my fabulous "extracting" skills. there are none. i couldn't extract a background from a picture if someone held a gun to my head. these pictures were simply taken outside at night (gage still had his swimming trunks on... hence the lack of a shirt) and my husband must of hit it at just the right angle to completely black out everything around gage. the only thing i did to these pictures was slightly adjust the levels so that the background would be a stark black as opposed to sort of a very dark gray. the pictures are otherwise untouched and simply lined up here next to each other. the title, obviously inspired by this shot being taken in the dark and the journaling just sort of grew from there. i just love how this shot completely explains this story to me. I really didn't mean for it to be this dramatic and serious, but that's just where it went for some reason. I got a little emotional, actually. =)

JOURNALING: A shot in the dark. What are the chances? I spent the first 25 years of my life completely uninterested in having children. The fact that my heart did not long for children led me to believe that I was not meant to have them. In reality, that was my own subconscious misconception… a lie that I had bought into. The lie that I was incapable; incapable of loving and understanding; incapable of being loved and being understood; incapable of thinking outside of myself and embracing a position of significance; incapable of being capable. But that lie got its first hint of exposure the minute you took your first breath. And truth be known, I did not even notice it at first. Funny how God just knows to work like that. He knew that my heart could not have taken it all at once. But now, as I stare at this shot in the dark, it is unmistakable. You are the light that God sent to emerge from my darkness. You were the first real proof that I had to show that I am capable; I am loved; I am understood; I am valuable. Even with darkness all around, look at you. You shine straight through to my soul, and by perfect design, reveal to me the very heart of God. Wow. Unbelievable.

left date stamp reads: light revealed April 12 2001 (the day he was born)

right date stamp reads: light fully exposed June 15 2007
