The Distress Spray Stain and Oxides are the same great Distress palette and both can be used with water however, the final result will be different. The Oxide Sprays will have an "oxidized effect" because it is a mix of dye and pigment where the Distress Stains will not achieve that effect because it is only a dye formulation. The Oxides layer easier as they are more opaque and won't muddy. They can be used together as well but the Oxides will always dominate and come through over the dye based Spray Stains which are translucent. Oxide Sprays because they are pigment based will work with Black/Kraft paper as well making the colored effect POP where the Distress Spray Stains will not. Tim has lots of videos and techniques on YouTube if you would like to learn more ways to use these sprays.
By: Ranger Ink
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